
Discover Cargèse

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Cargèse is a small village in south Corsica. An ancient greek orthodox city, the architecture of the village reminds of its history, mainly because of its white houses with blue shutters.

A specificity of the village is  to possess 2 churches: an orthodox church facing a latin church both dating to the XIXth century.

To be seen in Cargèse :

  • Greek church of  saint Spyridon
  • latin church of the Assumption
  • The convent of the birth of the Virgin Mary
  • St John the Baptist church
  • The 3 genoese towers, Orchinu, Ormigna, Cargèse,

Cargèse welcomes, every Summer, the Cargèse sound system Festival on its famous beach of Péro and in the arenas at Sara.


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