
Discover Piana and its coves

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balade sortie en mer corse alpana depart porto scandola girolata pianaFrom  Porto, the Alpana, proposes visit to Piana coves, you will sail along its 10 km( 6 miles) coast and discover many hidden grottoes.

For those who wish another point of view, it is possible to visit the coves on foot reaching the village of Piana located at an elevation of 440m (150 feet) at only 12km (7 miles) from Porto. Its coves – calanche de Piana -with its glowing rocks of Piana is one of the most splendid site in Corsica.

Its village is designated as one of the most beautiful village in France.

Between Porto and Piana, the narrow winding road sticks to the corniche. The creeks fall sheer into the sea. Said G. de Maupassant in the ” Monastery of Corbara “, a text published in le Gaulois october 5th 1880 :

“At twilight,I sailed across the Piana calanche (= creek) .At first I stopped astounded in front of the amazing rocks of pink granite, 400 meters high (150 foot or so), wierd, twisted, bent eaten by time dark red in the last light of the sunset, shaped in many ways as a fantastic people in fairy tales, p by a supernatural power. I, in turn, imagined a gigantic standing monk,a sitting bishop his crosier in hand, his mitre on his head, prodigious figures, a crouching lion by the side of the road, a breasfeeding woman and the huge head of a horny devil grimacing bodies probably guarding this crowd jailed in stone. Apart from the Niolo that cannot be admired by many people for its astonishing, arid solitude, the cove of Piana is a marvel in Corsica. One can say, I think, one of the marvels in the world”.

What’s on in Piana ?

  • Its village
  • the church of the Assumption in the heart of the village
  • the Genoese tower of Turghju at the top of Capo Rosso, a natural protected site of Capo Rosso (by sea)
  • Piana forest
  • the sight of Mount Senino
  • Piana cove
  • Arone beach
  • From Piana, hiking is possible!

After seeing the coves from the road you cannot resist seeing it aboard the Alpana to discover this paradise in the sea.

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