
Discover Scandola – Girolata

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balade sortie en mer corse alpana depart porto scandola girolata piana

The village of Girolata opens on a natural reservation, both terrestrial and marine.

The village is only accessible by the “postman’s path“, an hour and a half walk or by boat from Porto. In the winter the village is inhabited by 10 people or so whereas in Summer it is overcrowded with many tourists in quest for authenticity.

Girolata gives access to the natural reservation of Scandola that stretches as far as the marina of Galéria.

Scandola can  only be visited by sea and the sailing rules are strict as this natural territory, with Piana coves, are designated as international heritage of the UNESCO..

The peninsula called Scandola is constituted of rocky structures as a caldeira that corresponds to the former volcano that collapsed into the sea. Sea and winds carved a rocky scenery that looks outlandish. Tafoni, ryolithic columns, vertigious islets and grottoes will enchant you for sure.

The reservation is a playground for buzzards, bald eagles, cormorants, peregrine falcons but also corals, gorginians, goupers, moray eels , red mullets and sea mammals. Its flora  lists more than 30 plants half of them are protected species.

As you understand it, Scandola is a unique place to discover absolutely during an excursion with an experienced guide.

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